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What True Success Really Looks Like

Society paints a stereotypical picture of what Success looks like..

Usually, it's the red ferrari, the fancy clothes and the attractive bank balance.


This is what Success REALLY consists of:

1) Good Physical Health

Without our physical health, everything else is much more challenging.

2) Good Mental Health

Without positive mental health, we won't be able to focus on our higher purpose

3) Good Relationship & Sense of Community

Fostering positive relationships, (friend, family, business & romantic), as well as having a sense of community is crucial for happiness and 'success'.

4) Purpose-led Activities & Work Fulfilment

If we're financially rich, but doing things we hate constantly - is that really what we should be striving for? Find purpose in your regular activities and work that is meaninful or brings you a real sense of joy.

5) Spiritual Wellness

You don't have to be religious to be spiritual. Being spiritual means to feel part of something larger than yourself, or to feel connected to the world around you and within you. Go see a sunrise or sunset, take note of the small things in nature, recognise the miracles of life, such as a child being brought into the world.

6) Wealth & Financial Satisfaction

Lastly; wealth & financial satisfaction - it is still an integral part of the 'Success Package', but this is very subjective to the individual person. At a fundamental level - if you are putting food in your belly and on the table, you have a roof over your head and are generally getting-by, then you're on the right tracks.

Decide what success looks like to you, and pour into each cup gradually, rather than overfilling some more than others.

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